[Sussex] Free SCSI hard drives

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Thu Nov 22 00:33:59 UTC 2007

Work had a clear-out of old stock & I grabbed 4 SCSI hard drives (they
were going to be destroyed otherwise).

I am happy to offer these for free to anyone interested on a first come,
first served basis.

I have:

Qty 2, Maxtor Atlas 10K 73GB Ultra320 SCSI 3.5"
(both Maxtor re-furbs)

Qty 1, Quantum Atlas 10K 36GB SCA 68 Pin Wide SCSI 3.5"

Qty 1, Quantum Atlas 10K 18GB SCA 68 Pin Wide SCSI 3.5"

Let me know if you want them & I shall bring them along to the moot next


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