[Sussex] Holbrook - Moot: Wired Networking

Kenny Millington kenny at 3ait.co.uk
Mon Oct 22 13:09:44 UTC 2007


This is probably my first real post to the SLUG lists (although I have
been lurking on my non-work e-mail address for sometime). So first let
me say Hello :-)

> The plan is to setup one laptop as a bridge to the Holbrook wireless
> LAN, and then get everything else up and running.  Then we can have a
> play and do some packet capture.

As the IT provider for the Holbrook Club we're going to need to state
that if you plan on running packet capturing software while bridged to
the Holbrook Club's network then you're going to need to get permission,
in writing, beforehand.

If you would like my help in speaking with Tim at the Holbrook Club about 
this then I am more than happy to do so.

Kenny Millington
Systems Developer
kenny.millington at 3ait.co.uk

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