[Sussex] Who computer is it today? (Andrew Guard)

Steve 'Dobbo' Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Sep 15 14:34:01 UTC 2007


On Sat, Sep 15, 2007 at 01:34:44PM +0100, paul wrote:
> >Well Microsoft has been installing updates without user consent for
> >the update to install. It even installed the update even if had
> >auto-update turned off.
> >
> >http://www.downloadsquad.com/2007/09/13/microsoft-issues-xp-and-vista-updates-without-user-consent/
> Well what pees me off the most is when they not only do that, but also 
> set off a reboot timer without your knowledge. You return to the machine 
> to find all your work/browsing/etc has disappeared just because the M$ 
> police deemed a reboot necessary *now*!
> Maybe there's a clause in the eula we've missed, addressing an on demnd 
> "temporary change of ownership" of the PC!?!

I read somewhere that if you don't control your computer your computer
will control you.

As I don't have any current M$ products I don't know what's in the EULA, but
assuming that you read it before accepting the product, did it read like you
bought the product or were just leasing it?

Maybe you're not following the M$ recommend use policy.  Are you supposed to
say logged in to the system while your not actually sat in front of it?

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