[Sussex] MythTV Repeat Channel Guide

James Smith james at floppy.org.uk
Tue Apr 22 14:14:44 UTC 2008


2008/4/22 Steve Dobson <steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk>:
>  Once again thanks for your help.  I think I was just having a brain fart
>  and needed someone to point out what was right under my nose.

No problem - I am quite glad I know how to do it now, because I'm sure
there are a few more missing on the RT site that I could add to my

Incidentally, what are you running your Myth box on? I have been using
Fedora for a while, but have got bored of the forced OS upgrades
(running FC6 now, which is not supported by atrpms any more). Was
considering changing to Mythbuntu after a very good laptop experience
of Ubuntu and the very simple upgrade experience. Anyone used it /
recommend it? I'm lazy these days and can't be bothered building my
own packages when there are so many good ones out there :)


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