[Sussex] Tiscali Message Centre

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 17:25:12 UTC 2008

Where are you trying to access your address book? Is it on line? or on 
your computer.
> I am running PCLinux OS and am connecting to Tiscali using Firefox 2.  I am 
> trying to set up my address book and it keeps stating that the address book 
> could not be accessed.  The pop-up further states "If you own the book, contact 
> your administrator."
> My password must be correct, otherwise I could not access my email on line and 
> it is not a shared address book.  Has anyone come across this problem and can 
> help before I contact Tiscali for help.
I have just had another interesting experience:- (might be relevent)
User is with sky and has email address - @sky.com - pop.sky.com
Sky have decided to put their users accounts on google. - pop.tools.sky.com
Now user can access the email on line but despite all settings being 
correct could not download onto his email client (or send from).
Several months of emails and phone calls to sky and no resolution.
Now on a phone call somebody has listened and where the password on the 
email client was always rejected they have identified that the password 
was not syncronised in their system ?
They have done this and now all is well. The user was getting quite 
frustrated for several months.

Of course you get all this - are you in front of the computer? - open 
the settings on google etc. 'But the settings are pop enabled from 26 
Feb' just can't these people (Indians) learn the fundamentals of 
communication? I eventually got a 'supervisor' and the problem was solved.

At least they were not so insistent that it can only be used with M$ crap.

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