[Sussex] Puppet presentation at August's M00t - Apress book

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 14:04:07 UTC 2008

Thanks for the presentation on Puppet last night.

It is very important to have some knowledge of what we can do to make 
administration more efficient.

Even in my case the idea that I could hook up a machine and instruct the 
program (Puppet) to carry out updates and some administration is rather 
attractive and I shall look into this further.

This is a very attractive concept, being aware of the hours I devote to 
an individual machine means that I am spread very thinly amongst so many 

And, I agree, even on a single machine we can be much more efficient in 
our administration work. Some sort of checklist and responding to users 
can be better incorporated into this or similar program.

I would also suggest that those of us that do take an interest in these 
processes would benefit from a follow up presentation after perhaps 6 or 
9 months. The openness of the experience here is is very helpful to all 
of us who are constantly learning.

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