[Sussex] Putting systems onto a SD card

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 23:39:34 UTC 2008

> The kernel of this distribution is found on the fat32 partition, I think
> it could be a limitation in the support of memory cards that its looking
> for a FAT filesystem.
Now you have me puzzled.
I have formatted my SD cards as ext3 (for ubuntu, Mandriva and fedora) 
all 4GB cards. While for the puppy the first 200meg, formatted fat32, 
contains the puppy system while the remaining 800meg (of a 1GB) card 
(formatted ext3) - don't ask me why, I just let it do it's own thing.

So on the eee901;
/home on the solid state 16GB (default for the xandros) and '/' in ext3 
on the 4GB card.
The Puppy can, of course, read the /home area but it's default user 
space is on the 1GB card.

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