[Sussex] Putting systems onto a SD card

John Crowhurst info at johnscomputersupport.co.uk
Sun Dec 7 22:43:58 UTC 2008

On Sun, December 7, 2008 16:04, gerry wrote:
> Hi
> Sorry for the dual posting but I am not sure if the Sussex Lug site is
> running at the moment
> However the problem is how do I get Ubuntu or any other Linux system to
> run from an SD card? I know Desmond has done it but when I try following
> various sets of instruction I get things like 'No Kernel' or just a
> flashing cursor. Inside Ubuntu there is a 'Create a USB start up  disk'
> but this is for installing a system on a machine not running it from the
> USB or SD. Help

I have an ipaq that can boot into Angstrom Linux, that boots from a SD
card that consists of 2 partitions, the first being fat32 which contains
the boot loader and the second contains ext2 for the file system.

The boot loader is passed as one of the options:

The kernel of this distribution is found on the fat32 partition, I think
it could be a limitation in the support of memory cards that its looking
for a FAT filesystem.

John Crowhurst
John's Computer Support

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