[Sussex] Make IE 7 crash

Vicky Lamburn vicky.lamburn at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 31 16:00:33 UTC 2008

Hi Steve,

There's a couple of reasons I steer clear of <input type="submit" ...>
- it's poor for CSS styling as if you use input submit on Safari for
example, you cannot set the width and height of the button as it uses
the aqua glow button look, where as <button> by default gives all
browsers and all platforms a regular bland grey button which is ideal
as a starting point to style with CSS.

You can also use other tags within a button tag such as images and so
forth so you can do some very nice things e.g.:


The reason I can't use <input type="submit" is not just aesthetics in
this instance. On the page due to the code in the background I have to
register a numeric value (a database record ID) and pass it using a
button, as such if I used

<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton"
value="579">Approve Changes</input>

The button would not be labeled Approve Changes but would be called
'579' - which wouldn't help.

It's hard to explain this in words without examples and this is a
fairly unique situation that after 12 years of writing web pages and
so forth, this is the first time that I have needed to pass a value
through the submit button itself and the HTML 4.0 value <button> is
the only way of doing that.

Of course IE's implementation is all wrong, just like IE6's box object
model makes about as much sense as I do after about two bottles of
wine :)


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