[Sussex] Mandriva Gnome Desktop

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 17:55:28 UTC 2008

With the full version of Mandriva PWP 2008.1 things do go pretty well 
but, as with all distros there are little issues and you can contribute.
> In PCLinux/ KDE, and in Mandriva/KDE you can right click on the 
> desktop and arrange the alphabetically, grid and vertically / 
> horizontally.  How can you do this with GNOME - it only seems to have 
> keep aligned on right click?  Full answers please as we are still 
> learning on GUI.
right click on desktop, not on an icon and you can auto arrange.
You may wish also to sign up at www.gnome.org and put questions there.

> The reason I need to know this is in case another archive is unpacked 
> to the desk top without a folder.  The items were scattered all over 
> the desktop and we "lost" a couple which seem to have disappeared  off 
> the desktop.  I know this because I checked the contents of the 
> archive against what was on the desktop.
I have learnt this as well, so create folder, put the archive file in 
there and then all the bits stay, by default in that folder.

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