[Sussex] New Moot Attendance List for Testing

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at syscall.org.uk
Thu Oct 23 12:04:27 UTC 2008


On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 12:12 +0100, Alex Harrington wrote:
> > There was a bug in my mail config that probably caused your 
> > mail systems to treat the email as spam (no unreasonably).  
> > Please try again.
> I've tried several times. No emails, and the new names eg Alex Again,
> Alex Harrington v2 etc don't appear in the list as Registered as they
> did before.
> Not sure what's happening.

I designed the system so that if an email address already exists in the
database then no second confirmation email is sent.  This is to stop
nuisance emails being generated.  There was a entry for your e-mail from
"2008-10-23 07:48:25" so I am guessing that is why you didn't get a
second e-mail on a retry.

I have now deleted your email (and name and all) from the database so
you should now get a confirmation e-mail if you try it again.


Steve Dobson

BOFH excuse #64:

CPU needs recalibration

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