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Thu Sep 25 07:53:37 UTC 2008

have a valid bootloader, do NOT reset your iPAQ (did you really want a brick?).
Instead, try programming the flash again. If that doesn't work, program your flash
with your saved bootloader. If that doesn't work, send e-mail to bootldr at
and/or get on the IRC and ask for help. Leave the iPAQ plugged in and do NOT reset it.

That's it! OK, now take a deep breath. Assuming you had no error messages, you are
past the only risky part of the install.

Reboot the iPAQ

When the iPAQ is reset, by default, it will boot Windows CE if present (mine did).
Before proceeding, make sure that you have the terminal emulator properly configured: 
   115200 baud 
   no flow control
   (I've got hypeterminal to work on my works laptop - or I may bring a laptop with
    better battery power and a serial connected [things my SOny doesn't have])
If flow control is enabled, the terminal emulator will not accept keyboard input. 
To get to the bootldr's command line prompt (boot>) and avoid booting Windows CE: 

Reboot your iPAQ by pushing the recessed reset button at the lower right of the unit while holding the center of the joypad. 

If the iPAQ is in a cradle, you will have to remove it to do push the reset button.
The boot loader should come up and display a splash screen on the LCD unless you have
an H3100. The bootldr does not support the H3100 LCD at this time. 

Put the iPAQ back in the cradle. At this point, either type a space in the terminal
emulator or push the calendar button on the iPAQ to get the bootldr's prompt "boot>".
You will not see the boot> prompt unless you have the iPAQ attached to a host computer
via either a serial cable or a serial cradle with a terminal emulator such as
Hyperterminal or minicom. 

Before proceeding to Linux installation, unlock flash with this command:
   pflash 0x40000 0xffff 0
by typing it at the boot prompt. 

BootBlaster 1.18 locks the portion of flash containing Windows CE. The pflash
addr len 0 command actually unlocks all of flash. The bootldr will automatically
protect itself upon boot if the bootldr sector is not locked, however you may do
so manually with the command: pflash 0x0 0x3ffff 1. 

Flashing the Filesystem

As an initial step, a root filesystem image must be installed using the iPAQ's

With a Compact Flash sleeve and Compact Flash card, you can put the filesystem
image onto the CF card.  This procedure is much faster than transferring the root
image via xmodem or ymodem over the serial cable. The CF card must have a vfat
filesystem (mine has ).  At the "boot>" prompt, type:
   copy hda1:/bootopie-v0.7-pre6-h39000.jffs2 root

Boot the Installation for the First Time

At the "boot>" prompt, type: boot

You should see Linux startup, and numerous daemons execute. It will pause for 10 or 20 seconds while it generates an ssh server key for your iPAQ. 

The above procedure will replace WinCE with Linux.  As the system has all the features
you need (from what I remember) do you want to retain WinCE.  If so I'm not sure
what the installation step is as I haven't seen any instructions for that.

On my system I have the following installed:
     Today (summary of todo list + calendar)
     EMail - not working I can send but I can pull from an IMAP server.
     File Manager
     Imahe Viewer
     PDF Viewer
     System Info
     Web Browser
     Mine Hunt

See ya Thrusday

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