[Sussex] Metrobus site using some open source

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Mon Feb 2 14:39:16 UTC 2009

Those living within the Metrobus area may be pleased to know their site is using
some open source.

Having got some kind of No nodes available error repeatedly around 8am this
morning while trying to check if they were running, now at around 2pm I get:


Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with
'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

In the file: /web/site/includes/app_start.php
Line number: 20

Go back to the last page you visited. [1]

[1] "Go back" being a link: javascript:void(window.history.go(-1));

So, that's at least MySQL and PHP :-)

The URL was

I only rechecked the site out of curiosity. But luckily, the bus service was
irrelevant as my manager allowed me to work from home, so didn't need to brave
any more waiting at the bus stop.


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