[Sussex] Mobile Internet Access

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Tue Jun 9 18:16:21 UTC 2009

Desmond Armstrong wrote:
>> I have just bought a Vodafone USB Modem Stick Pro, which with hindsight
>> might not have been a great idea. The software will not load under Wine
>> using Ubuntu Jaunty. Does anyone know if I would be better off swapping for
>> the lower speed non-pro model or will I still have the same problem?
> I have a number of users using mobile broadband on Mandriva and it works 
> well (and easier than M$), you do not use the software on the sim but 
> only the linux. But you then have to ask the provider for 3 items:-
> 1/ Access Point
> 2/ User ID
> 3/ Password
> Although it is a little difficult to get that information out of them, 
> ("it is on the sim") they do provide it.

It is not stored on the SIM - its publically available information for
all networks - check here for APN information on all UK networks:


Nowadays, the network detects a change in MSISDN (Phone Number) and IMEI
(Handset ID) pairing, and usually sends an SMS with the appropriate
settings for the new device - however, this won't work for your PC, so
use the settings provided above.



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