[Sussex] Tonight's moot - no presenter

Fay Zee sussex at eglug.org.uk
Thu Nov 26 20:49:31 UTC 2009

 Did my email canceling my own attendance put everyone else off going?

Or did almost everyone else have other plans?

I called Alex at the same time I emailed the list - he was in Bangor!
Then I called Andrew - he was somewhere thirty or forty miles away.
Then I called Gerry (our other driver) - as we three weren't going, he
needed to stay and finish some work.
I called Peter but could only leave a message, which he didn't get.
He went along and no-one else at all turned up, so was rather lonely
and a wasted journey. I feel particularly bad as he had said two weeks
ago he was going along for my talk to support me.

This must be the first time in years there hasn't been a moot
(excepting Christmas time).

We must get our act together!

Best Regards,

East Grinstead Linux User Group

On 26/11/2009, frank james  wrote:
> Sorry to hear that you are a bit off colour. I haven't heard
anything about
> a moot, Gavin hasn't been in touch and I can't really drive there
at night.
> Perhaps you will give your talk at a later moot, I shall certainly
> forward to it.
> I have been spending my time following events at the LHC in Geneva
where I
> used to work. My friend Lyn Evans is running the show!
> Please get better soon and I look forward to our next meeting.
> Frank James

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