[Sussex] PDF file printing problem

Desmond Armstrong desmond.armstrong at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 22:58:32 UTC 2011

  On 18/01/11 19:06, 'Fay Zee' wrote:
> Hi Gavin,
> > I have an annoying problem in that I can't get PDF files to print out.
> > I have a Hewlett-Packard Laserjet 4000N & I'm running Debian Squeeze.
> > The printer prints many other things with no problem.
> There are several different programs available in which PDF files can 
> be opened, read and printed.
> Examples: Okular (my favourite), Document Viewer, Adobe Reader, even 
> GIMP and Krita are appropriate on occasion.

I would add in a problem which I ran into.
Scribus (excellent package) will not print correctly and the only way 
round this was to export as pdf and then print from that.
But, then the pdf was a problem and we had to use Document Viewer and 
then all was well.
When researching this problem I found that Scribus was more advanced 
than the other applications on the Linux platform (?)

So the question, Gavin, is, how did you generate the pdf?

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