[Sussex] An introduction and Apache

Steve Dobson steve at dobbo.org
Thu Jun 16 11:02:56 UTC 2011

Hi Will

On 16/06/11 08:44, Dominic Humphries wrote:
>> I'm sure at some point my server will be attacked, and its only then 
>> will I learn how to keep it secure. But I'm very paranoid about the 
>> little things I notice myself.
> You might like to look up a few of the security tools for Linux, such as
> snort and nmap (which has the claim to fame of being the application
> Trinity used to hack a computer via ssh in The Matrix ;) if you're
> worried about your server's security.

Another tool the is useful and has to be run on the server itself (as
root) is netstat.  netstat is in the "net-tools" package if you need to
install it.

	$ sudo netstat -n -a -t -p

I won't tell you what the flags do or how to interpret the output you
get back.  That information is in the man pages for the command:

	$ man netstat

If you're going to be using the command line then learning how to read
the man pages (and it is a skill that you will have to learn like I did)
will make using the CLI so much easier.

Steve "Dobbo" Dobson

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