[Sussex] Next moot talk - Linux as a developer's environment

Dominic Humphries linux at oneandoneis2.org
Sun May 22 13:48:17 UTC 2011

Happy weekend, all

Just posting a reminder that I'm still down (as far as I know :) to give 
the talk for this month's moot, on the subject of "Linux as a 
developer's environment"

Essentially, we're all familiar with Linux as a typical home PC OS with 
Gnome or KDE installed; but this has lead to Linux' true strength (IMHO) 
becoming somewhat overlooked: How good it is when what you really want 
to do is edit files; tinker with scripts; automate common tasks; and 
generally tune your OS to work exactly as YOU want it to.

I haven't got a particularly rigid structure to the talk planned as yet, 
but the basic topics I'm hoping to cover are:
  - Why the modern trend of hiding the command line has done Linux a 
  - Why Gnome and KDE have done likewise
  - The command line is a friendly place
  - Using the GUI to enhance the command line instead of replace it
  - Some simple ways of making the command line more helpful and easy-to-use
  - Why using even a 100% FOSS computer doesn't make you free unless 
you've mastered a text editor as well

Despite the title, this isn't aimed at power-users who spend all day 
rewriting the Linux source code: I'm aiming to pitch the level of the 
talk at people who are familiar with Linux but not as comfortable with 
the command-line as they'd like to be - so don't be put off just because 
you're not sure where you go to start an xterm :)

Have a good week!


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