[Sussex] What planet are they on ?
John The Fatbloke
johnsemailaccount at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 20:05:15 UTC 2011
I hadn't but when I did, yes it showed the Windows fonts, but it also
co-incided with the font rendering becoming unstable i.e. in FireFox, the
page headers would show fine, but text within a page wouldn't show at all.
Also in the limited hope that the update that went through might be causing
the issue, I logged out and back in, but it got worse and just rendered the
text below the desktop icons as a series of boxes....
So at the moment, I'm using the former Windows user fallback/cure all and
running a reinstall, though this time its the ode version (I can almost hear
Steve groaning from here :-D ) oh and its the 32 bit version as well, as
that's historically (for me) proven more reliable and less hassle.....
Perhaps after about 8 years of various Linux use, I should know how to sort
problems like this, but alas I can't get out of the "dont care how it works,
just want it to work" mentality......
Hey Ho!
On 24 Oct 2011 17:15, "Dave Pipe" <davidpipe at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Oct 2011 15:16:39 +0000johnsemailaccount at gmail.**com<0000johnsemailaccount at gmail.com> writ
>> Subject: [Sussex] What planet are they on ?
>> To: SLUG mailing list<sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk**>
>> Wotcha List,
>> Damn I must be going mad eh ? 2 posts to the list in less than a
>> month.......
>> So here I am, trying to fine tune a few things with this new, all singing,
>> all dancing version of Ubuntu ie 11.10 (I forget what idiot name they've
>> given it.....)
>> All I'm trying to do, is to install the windows fonts (and yes, I do have
>> a
>> licence and install on a different partition). So, rather than bother you
>> good people, I just google it.
>> Which is fine as there seem to be some rather nice, helpful instructions,
>> great! The advice followed and yes, it seems that I've managed to install
>> the fonts, but when opening an application that might have some listing of
>> fonts to choose from (like firefox), there's no sign of them.
>> Ok, so I hit google again, as there seems to be no way of changing any of
>> the system fonts etc and google gives me a different place to look, which
>> I
>> find and try to follow.
>> The instructions say about installing a package called something like
>> gnome
>> tweeks, so that's ok, I can manage something as basic as that. Job done.
>> Obviously not, as it doesn't matter whether I just log out and back in or
>> do a full restart, there's no sign of how to open this facility (nothing
>> in
>> the menu etc), so Ok, next step is to
>> look in the "Ubuntu software centre", and all I can find is "Gnome desktop
>> environment with added components".
>> It's all well and good being able to install all sorts of packages but
>> absolutely no good if there's no obvious way of running said packages.
>> It does seem a bit weird, as I've done this a number of times before, more
>> often than not, just clicking a few facilities and bingo, fonts installed
>> and available. Yet with this latest version of Ubuntu, they seem to have
>> left out or removed some of the things like this, that we "non-techie"
>> types rely on.
>> I mean, what good is it them producing newer versions of things if they
>> leave out some of those kind of facilities ? Are they still aiming the
>> *buntu's at people in the hope that they'll change from another OS ? or
>> are
>> have they given up on increasing market share, and just aiming it at
>> techie
>> types who can do all of the more basic things blindfolded ?
>> "They" seem to make these kind of changes, apparently making things
>> easier,
>> but seemingly only from their own point of view - which IMO is a complete
>> waste of time, as non-techie types don't understand or know how to do
>> stuff
>> from their point of view do they ! Hell, there's not even an option to
>> view
>> or change fonts in either the "Accessories" or "System tools". How is the
>> less technically adept person gonna work out how to do stuff.
>> Even the bits of advice and guidance that google kicks up seems to be
>> written from a semi-tech approach. That seems to leave stuff out
>> as "they'll know how to do that".....
>> Right, sorry if that sounds a bit like a rant, well it is, but it's not
>> supposed to. Just me venting a bit of frustration about something that
>> should be reasonably straight forward, that "they" have made hard work!
>> Keep up your excellent posts, as they do make excellent reading, even if I
>> don't follow exactly what it is that you may be trying to do. Like
>> "British
>> Rail", I'll get there, eventually.
>> regards
>> John D.
> Have you tried opening a terminal & typing:
> sudo fc-cache -fv
> Dave P
> --
> Welcome to the Hotel Linux,You can check out any time you like, but you may
> never leave!
> --
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