[SWLUG] More on Laptops

Rhys Sage rhys_sage at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 17 14:58:03 UTC 2004

Browsing the Dell website I noticed the Insperion 1000
going for 477 pounds. That's a bit cheaper than the
version sold here in the US (I'm still in America).
Try as I might, I can't find out how long the extended
battery lasts. They say the normal battery lasts 2
hours, which just isn't long enough.

Of course, I'm wondering whether I should just hold my
horses and not buy a laptop until I can afford a real
laptop (something like the Sony Tr1mp).

How well does Mandrake handle PCMCIA and Compact
Flash? My goal with the laptop is not to use it as a
programming tool for Windows (which is what I do with
a desktop) but rather to use it for word-processing on
the go and for backing-up digital photographs until
such a time as I can get to a CD burner. Experince of
Mandrake's CD burning skills shows that it can screw
up a CD but can't write one.

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