[SWLUG] Is it just me or is Debian unstable borked?

Foeh Mannay foeh.mannay at wormtail.co.uk
Tue Jul 26 19:04:53 UTC 2005


I don't know whether it's the unstable branch, my sources or my apt
config, but something's very broken at the minute. Essentially anything
I try to install refuses to on the grounds of unmet dependancies (the
old "will not be installed" routine). I thought it would just be a
momentary thing but it's been like it for about a week now and I'm
starting to wonder if I need to change something.

Currently I point my apt at:

deb http://debian.blueyonder.co.uk/ dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/
deb http://debian.blueyonder.co.uk/ dists/unstable/contrib/binary-i386/
deb http://debian.blueyonder.co.uk/ dists/unstable/non-free/binary-i386/

(and a couple of application specific sources)

Am I clearly doing something wrong? This has worked for yonks. Is it
worth using other sources (the blueyonder ones seem to be getting
updated, though)?

Any ideas gratefully received as it's now buggered up gaim, which is
giving an error that indicates I need gtk 2.4, which I can't install and
so on!



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