[SWLUG] Employment agencies

Tony Pursell ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Mar 2 11:27:03 UTC 2005

On 2 Mar 2005 at 0:09, Julian Hall wrote:

> degree.  I've got one A Level, and I'll be 35 in a few months.  Going

You're lucky! Having just reached the big six oh, I'm having to look 
outside IT now.  All my skills are home spun and don't include things 
like .NET, SAP, UML, ITIL, Prince2 - I just have a lot of experience and 
a pretty wise head on my shoulders.  At least, at 35 you are still in the 
magic age range.  I think I was v lucky to get my last IT job at 46.  I 
know I was rejected for one job because I was over 35.

I have a degree, but not in IT.  Its skill, knowledge and personal 
attributes that count - everyone must have excellent interpersonal skills 
- I'm sure you've got that.  So pack your CV with everything like that 
and some firm may even give you training!

Remember - all LA's etc give guaranteed interviews to disabled people.

Best of luck


The trouble with agency job is that firms only go down that route when 
they need a skill they cannot develop in house.  They always prefer to 
promote internally where possible.  Local Authorities, on the other hand, 
probably have their internal candidate in mind but have to advertise - 
what a farce! 

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