[SWLUG] OGG on Sony W810i phone?

Mark Henderson mark at standardblue.org.uk
Tue Jul 4 21:55:13 UTC 2006

On Tue, 04 Jul 2006 17:09:43 +0100, Dave Cridland <dave at cridland.net>  

> The other likely reason is that Ogg is perceived to have a
> relationship with illegal music sharing, or worse, fair use.

Isn't it more likley that they simply don't think it's worth their while?  
The same reason that Nokia doesn't ship (AFAIK) it's sync/data suite as a  
linux app - that (aside from users on this list) there's simply not wide  
enough support for it. Far more people use Windows to play MP3s than use  
Linux boxes to play OGGs, I'd imagine.

Plus the fact that they'd probably rather* send them out capable of  
playing only DRM'd files, I suppose...


* or are being pressurised by the RIAA and their ilk

  http://sb.fotopic.net/ - 73133 arrives at Blaenavon, 12th June

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