[SWLUG] Not-for-profit formalisation?

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Wed Jan 21 10:25:19 UTC 2009

On Wed Jan 21 09:10:43 2009, Dick Bain wrote:
> We have a structure that defies description :D

And a description that defies structure, too.

> The popular front wrested control from the unpopular front and
> actually made the decision to hold meetings on a regular basis and
> that there would be no constitution or officers or anything other  
> than
> fun and games ;-)

And the officers who aren't there rigorously enforce the non-existent  
constitution in this matter. Should anyone disagree, they can propose  
a vote, which will not be taken, and the results, once ignored, shall  
thereby amend the constitution we don't have, persuant to the  
regulations therein.

And that is the final word on the matter, so I hope it's clear.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at dave.cridland.net
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