[SWLUG] Mobile broadband - can I make one machine feed the others?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 16 16:26:33 UTC 2011

On 16 August 2011 15:59, Sam Radion <sam at samradion.co.uk> wrote:
> So if you pay for a month's access to a gym to you expect to go back three
> months later and say "I only used the first two weeks"

But if you bought tickets for 10 one hour sessions then you would not
expect to have to use them up within a short time period.

> You are not buying a product, you are buying a time period of access with a
> maximum amount you can use in that time. Even the companies like vodafone
> still give you a maximum time to use your access, it's just a lot longer
> than three (and costs more accordingly).

That is the situation at the moment but that does not mean it is
reasonable.  Soon companies will be offering true PAYG at a reasonable
price, as one will offer this then the others must follow.


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