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dox communities. Yet for many young 
newlyweds, romance and intimacy are mysteries.The book's co-author, David 
S. Ribner, said it is meant to offer useful information to couples 
both before their wedding night, an emotional time when they are expected 
to consummate their marriage, and during their relationship leading up to 
that, when they might face a slew of unfamiliar challenges."If you've never 
seen a picture, if you've never talked about it, if you've never 
seen a movie, if you've never had a conversation with parents or 
friends, how exactly are you supposed to know the mechanics of that 
particular activity?" said Ribner, an American-born sex therapist whose 
Jerusalem clientele is made up of Orthodox Jews. Ribner's co-author is educator 
Jennie Rosenfeld.Unlike secular Israelis, observant Jews are rarely given 
sex education until the weeks leading up to their marriage, where the 
prospective bride and groom are counseled separately on a variety of subjects, 
including the logistics of intercourse, the importance of communication 
and religious bedroom requirements and rituals.Ribner said the content of 
the counseling is not always consistent, and couples don't receive all the 
information they need to enjoy a healthy sex life.His book attempts to 
set out in clear terms the nitty-gritty of sex, from foreplay and 
kissing to mechanics, specifically aimed at young adults who are making 
the transition from a life where sex is taboo to marriag
 black comedy, including banning opera and ballet 
because they did not reflect traditional Turkmen culture and banning lip-synching 
on the grounds that it weakened Turkmens' ability to become skilled singers.Berdymukhamedov, 
who became president after Niyazov's death in 2006, has put aside some 
of Niyazov's more extreme measures, but he has not opened up Turkmenistan's 
politics or media. His own personality cult includes such feats as winning 
last year's maiden automobile race in Turkmenistan, even though he supposedly 
wasn't scheduled to take part and asked to join only at the 
last minute.State media reports about the president's actions overflow with 
admiration and delight."The audience greeted President Gurbanguli  Berdymukhamedov, 
who finished first    demonstrating great skills of horse riding, 
the will to win, firmness and courage    with a 
storm of applause," the state news agency TDH reported after Sunday's race.

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