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eHarmonyPartner eHarmonyPartner at ulanyfoc.com
Wed Sep 4 13:27:39 UTC 2013

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BOGOTA, Colombia  The editor of Colombia's top newsmagazine says gunmen 
fired five shots at its prize-winning investigations chief, but he was uninjured.Semana 
editor Alejandro Santos says Ricardo Calderon was attacked Wednesday night 
by two gunmen who got out of a car and called his 
name when he stopped at a toll booth in Girardot, a town 
southwest of Bogota.Santos says Calderon escaped by diving into a dark roadside 
ditch.The 42-year-old Calderon has written sensitive stories including reports 
about illegal spying by the DAS domestic intelligence agency that led to 
its dismantling and the jailing of more than 20 agents.Semana said he 
is working on a story about cushy conditions for military officers convicted 
of human rights violations held at a military base near Girardot.
ca to Mozambique, including the first 12 rhinos to roam in Mozambique 
in a century.In 2006, South Africa removed some 50 kilometers (30 miles) 
of fence between Kruger and Limpopo National Park. Soto said the entire 
200 kilometers (125 miles) of fence was not removed because Mozambique still 
is working to resettle some 6,000 people living in the park.A second 
phase was to include two other Mozambican parks, allowing the transfrontier 
park to extend over 100,000 square kilometers (39,000 sq. miles) that would 
make it "the world's largest animal kingdom," according to the South African 
Peace Parks Foundation.Those plans now are in danger, as is the Great 
Limpopo Transfrontier Park. Knight said South African officials are even 
discussing rebuilding their fence with Mozambique.South African officials 
say their country has lost 273 rhinos to poachers so far this 
year. They say most have been killed by Mozambicans who cross into 
Kruger Park. Poachers killed 668 rhinos in South Africa last year.The slaughter 
continues with the number of deaths increasing even though South Africa 
has declared war on rhino poachers and for two years has deployed 
soldiers and police in Kruger, a vast park which is the size 
of Israel.Soto said Mozambique's government has been working since 2009 
on a comprehensive reform of environmental laws involving consultations 
with all stakeholders. He said he expects the draft legislation to be 
presented to parliament soon. I

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