[Swlugevents] Pay Less per month by switching to Solar

Wed Sep 25 11:19:19 UTC 2013

Savings Alert: New Incentives Pay you to go solar


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 home. And in the 
heartache of her family and friends on both sides of the great 
ocean, we're reminded of the humanity that we all share.Our prayers are 
with the Richard family of Dorchester, to Denise and the young daughter, 
Jane, as they fight to recover. And our hearts are broken for 
8-year-old Martin, with his big smile and bright eyes. His last hours 
were as perfect as an 8-year-old boy could hope for, with his 
family, eating ice cream at a sporting event. And we're left with 
two enduring images of this little boy, forever smiling for his beloved 
Bruins and forever expressing a wish he made on a blue poster 
board: ``No more hurting people. Peace.'' No more hurting people. Peace.Our 
prayers are with the injured, so many wounded, some gravely. From their 
beds, some are surely watching us gather here today. And if you 
are, know this: As you begin this long journey of recovery, your 
city is with you. Your commonwealth is with you. Your country is 
with you. We will all be with you as you learn to 
stand and walk and, yes, run again. Of that, I have no 
doubt you will run again.(APPLAUSE)You will run again.(APPLAUSE)Because 
that's what the people of Boston are made of. Your resolve is 
the greatest rebuke to whoever committed this heinous act. If they sought 
to intimidate us, to terrorize us, to shake us from those values 
that Deval described, the values that make us who we are as 
Americans, well, it should be pretty clear by now that t
nment Accountability Office found 
that although the number of mental health records available to the background 
check system increased 800 percent since 2004, some states said they were 
not sharing mental health information because of concerns about restrictions 
under HIPAA privacy law. Obama is interested in a change that would 
specifically allow disclosure of mental health records for the system, and 
he wants to increase financial incentives for states to contribute the information.In 
the Virginia Tech rampage, student Seung-Hui Cho shot 32 people to death 
and committed suicide. He was able to buy two guns even though 
he had been ruled a danger to himself during a court hearing 
in 2005 and was ordered to undergo outpatient mental health treatment.Authorities 
have not described a possible motive or released details of any mental 
health condition that might explain why Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza killed 
20 children and six adults before killing himself. The rifle he used 
was purchased by his mother, whom he also killed at home before 
heading to the school.The background check system does not give retailers 
access to mental health records but simply tells them whether a buyer 
is approved, denied or needs additional investigation before a firearm may 
be purchased. The system doesn't tell the seller why a potential buyer 
was denied.

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