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 illed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris 
Stevens.Click for more images of the individuals sought by the FBI.While 
the investigation continues, the debate over Benghazi once again is heating 
up in Washington as insiders apparently are seeking permission to speak 
to Congress.An attorney for one of the employees recently claimed to Fox 
News that her client and others have been threatened by administration officials.But 
the White House denied Wednesday that any whistle-blowers were being blocked 
from testifying. Press Secretary Jay Carney addressed the claims a day after 
President Obama, during a lengthy press conference, said he was unaware 
of the claims and would look into them."Benghazi happened a long time 
ago," Carney said. "We are unaware of any agencies blocking an employee 
who would like to appear before Congress to provide information related 
to Benghazi."Carney said a prior review board "heard from everyone and invited 
everyone." He said the latest allegations "are part of an unfortunate pattern 
of spreading misinformation and politicizing the issue."At the same time, 
officials with the State Department and Defense Department both wrote back 
to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, 
R-Calif., this week claiming they were "unaware" of any request for a 
security clearance for an employee's attorney. The request for a security 
clearance would be a necessary step for any potential whistle-blo
immigrants.And most Americans will agree. Theres little appetite in either 
party for mass deportations of long-term Hispanic illegal immigrants. Whatever 
critics of the immigration plan offer in the Senate have to say, 
even most of the staunchest opponents have given up on the idea 
of a coast-to-coast crackdown.But when the discussion turns to those illegal 
immigrants who are not part of the Hispanic majority or even the 
substantial Asian minority, things get more difficult  especially when those 
illegal immigrants are from Muslim countries, especially those with ties 
to Islamist militancy.It pleases the Emma Lazarus within the collective 
American heart to offer refuge to the huddled masses yearning to be 
free, especially when we think of those desperate to escape from the 
horrors of places like Somalia, Yemen, Syria and, yes, Chechnya and Kazakhstan.But 
when the troubles and terrorism of those countries follow the refugees, 
many would be happy to see the Statue of Liberty narrow her 
embrace just a bit.And thats when the bargain on offer in the 
Senate loses some of its appeal.Whatever specifics are on offer in the 
800+ pages of the Senate deal, the bargain at the heart of 
the proposition is this: In exchange for conservatives agreeing to allow 
most of the millions here illegally to attain legal status of some 
kind, liberals are offering to increase protections against new border jumpers 
and to crack down on those already here who re

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