[TynesideLUG] superantispyware

Jim Wells mikondelta at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Nov 8 11:12:07 UTC 2019

Hi ian

please accept my apologies in delay in sending this.

The link for SUPERAntiSpyware is shown below:


When you get to the site click on Products, then Free edition to download.

Note - the free version requires you to run manual update to update the definitions and to run scans

I have used this tool for quite some time and when used in conjunction with Malwarebytes and a Antivirus program they do a good job of removing nasties from Windows machines, just run the scans individually.

Another good program for Windows machines is SumatraPDF which is a PDF viewer and does not seem to hog resources like Adobe Acrobat. the link for this is:


This program does not contain spyware.

I will provide further info when I next attend the Tyneside LUG.



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