[TynesideLUG] Getting Ubuntu 22.04 (pre-release iso) booting on an Acer Chromebook 14 CB3-431

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 17:40:58 UTC 2022


Thought this info might be of use to someone...

Using information from https://mrchromebox.tech/#faq on the special
firmware on the system.

I downloaded the ISO, put it on a Ventoy USB stick and had to "play around"
with the firmware UI to get it to boot from the USB Ventoy stick.

Then I installed Ubuntu 22.04 from yesterday.

This gives you a system that boots you straight to the GRUB command line.

To get around that, do this:-

1. Press ESC at the firmware screen.

2. Experiment with the Boot Maintenance Manager to Boot from file. Pick the
first entry. Then EFI → Ubuntu → grubx64.efi
3. Login to Ubuntu 22.04
4. Do these commands:-
sudo su
mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT
cp /boot/efi/EFI/[distro name from above]/grubx64.efi

You should now have a system that can boot straight into Ubuntu 22.04.

Note: I am not sure how elegant this solution is. But it does have the
advantage of working.

Personally, I prefer PC type systems to Chromebooks but I didn't have a
choice in the matter.



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