[watford] Visit

Mark Stewart markwstewart at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 20:46:23 BST 2006

Hi Matt,

Having serious issues with my ADSL connection at the mo with e7even, grrr.

Glad you made the meeting, wanted to go myself but was out for the day
getting a Kilt sorted!

Linux advocacy is always at my workplace, pushing the right buttons with
management helps a lot. Great report, I have forwarded to my work address
and will check out the links tomorrow.


On 19/04/06, Matt Marsh <matt at mattmarsh.net> wrote:
> >  > On Tuesday evening we will be meeting in the New Cavendish
> >  > Street campus of Westminister University at 1900.
> >  >
> >  > Our speakers for the evening will be Jono Bacon and Ted Haeger.
> >  >
> >  > Jono Bacon works for Open Advantage in the West Midlands, is a
> >  > journalist and a presenter on LUG Radio
> >  >
> >  > Ted Haeger works for Novell and is the presenter on the Novell
> >  > Open Audio Podcast.
> >  >
> >  > The talk will be on Linux Advocacy...
> >
> > I may go along to this myself too.
> Yesterday evening I attended this meeting of GLLUG, the first
> LUG meeting I've been to, so I thought I'd report back...
> The meeting there was reasonably attended with about 20 people
> turning up. I had expected that there would be more but still
> 20 is not bad and they seemed a friendly bunch. Unfortunately
> I had to head off before they went to the pub afterwards so
> I didn't get to really speak with them. They have a nice setup
> there at Westminster Uni, able to use one of the lecture
> theatres with all its presentation kit and so on.
> The first part of the evening by [1]Jono Bacon (of [2]LUGRadio
> fame -- you all listen to that podcast right?) was about
> open source advocacy - how to promote open source within
> the organizations that we work for and so on. It did provoke
> my thinking as to what more I can do to promote FOSS both
> within working and non-working environments... I really
> should do more. Perhaps this is something that we'll be
> able to get involved in as a LUG at some point? Either by
> doing things like attending computer fairs and manning a
> stand (eg. the [3]infopoint project that Jono setup) or by
> doing things like attending local colleges running computing
> courses to promote the FOSS thinking there?
> The second part of the evening by Ted Haeger of Novell
> was basically a run through of the things they've been
> building for OpenSuse. I've never tried Suse so it was
> interesting to see what they've been upto. I might be
> tempted to give it a go when the next release (10.1?)
> comes out (sounds fairly imminant). I'll find a partition
> to give it a go, but I think Ubuntu will still be my
> distro of choice on the desktop for now...
> Matt
> [1] http://www.jonobacon.org/
> [2] http://www.lugradio.org/
> [3] http://infopointproject.org/
> --
> Matt N. Marsh
> Email: matt at mattmarsh.net         GoogleTalk: marshmn at gmail.com
> Web: http://www.mattmarsh.net/       Yahoo: marshmn
>                                      Jabber: mattmarsh at jabber.org
>                                         MSN: matt at mattmarsh.net
>                                         ICQ: 250467363
>                                         AIM: MattMarshUK
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