[Watford] Compiling axfr

Walter walter at helvatron.co.uk
Tue Apr 25 21:43:55 BST 2006

Hi Matt,

Many thanks for responding!  Axfr is a zone transfer utility and then you
should be able to query the database it creates using axfrcat.  I am not
sure whether attachemnts are allowed here so I have pasted the readme below:
axfr version 0.5.2 by gaius
Copyright (C) 1997, 98 Rostra design.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
Greetz to kik, plaguez, crazy-b, anti, kewl and everyone else on #hax

axfr will accept a list of domains as arguments, recursively transfer
zone and create directly a database of zone and hosts file for each
domain all output is done using zlib so it saves quite a lot of space,
it uses little ram since it outputs to the file while it transfer.

then u can use axfrcat to cat the hosts files.

you can pass top level domain, use "axfr -d fr fi li co" to get all the zone
in france, finland lisenstein, and colombia. 

To compile and install:
make install

This will install axfr, axfrcat and axfrget in /usr/local/bin

please send comment to <frantic at sct.fr>

Usage: axfr [options] domain...
  -d, --debug                 Print lots of debugging information.
  -h, --help                  Print this message and exit.
  -v, --version               Print the version number of axfr and exit.
  -D, --directory             Set default axfr directory.
  -s, --server                Set default name server.
  -n, --dont-recurse          Disable recursion

put everything in a dir included in your path.

examples: (use --debug or -d for verbose output)

axfrget webbar.fr |admstrobe -p 53
then you can do

axfrcat webbar.fr |admstrobe -p 53 

axfrget best.com | grep ppp | admstrobe -p 53 #hehe

$ axfr haarp.com li
axfr: Using default directory: /home/gaius/axfrdb
Found 2 name servers for domain 'haarp.com.':
Received 12 answers (12 records).
Found 9 name servers for domain 'li.':
Received 0 answers (0 records).
Received 0 answers (0 records).
Received 0 answers (0 records).
Received 0 answers (0 records).
Received 1762 answers (1762 records).
Found 2 name servers for domain 'schaedler.li.':
Received 6 answers (6 records).
Found 2 name servers for domain 'nassau.li.':
Received 11 answers (11 records).
Found 2 name servers for domain 'kmu-markt.li.':

then you get a nice tree like this:

|-- com
|   `-- haarp.com
|       |-- hosts_haarp.com.gz
|       `-- zone_haarp.com.gz
|-- hosts
|   |-- haarp.com.gz -> /home/gaius/axfrdb/com/haarp.com/hosts_haarp.com.gz
|   |-- li.gz -> /home/gaius/axfrdb/li/hosts_li.gz
|   |-- nassau.li.gz -> /home/gaius/axfrdb/li/nassau.li/hosts_nassau.li.gz
|   `-- schaedler.li.gz ->
|-- li
|   |-- hosts_li.gz
|   |-- nassau.li
|   |   |-- hosts_nassau.li.gz
|   |   `-- zone_nassau.li.gz
|   |-- schaedler.li
|   |   |-- hosts_schaedler.li.gz
|   |   `-- zone_schaedler.li.gz
|   `-- zone_li.gz
`-- zone
    |-- haarp.com.gz -> /home/gaius/axfrdb/com/haarp.com/zone_haarp.com.gz
    |-- li.gz -> /home/gaius/axfrdb/li/zone_li.gz
    |-- nassau.li.gz -> /home/gaius/axfrdb/li/nassau.li/zone_nassau.li.gz
    `-- schaedler.li.gz ->
I can send you the .gz archive if you'd like or you can get it from

I have found in the past that if the ./configure, make etc cannot find the
resource they are looking for in the path they generate errors.  So I made
sure I followed the instructions in the install file. 

Anyway, what you say about the missing tools make sense now.  I'll do that
first and let you know.


-----Original Message-----
From: watford-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:watford-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Matt Marsh
Sent: 25 April 2006 12:49
To: watford at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Watford] Compiling axfr


> I have downloaded the above and want to install on my debian system. I 
> have 0 experience with compiling and installing programs and although 
> I have tried every option in the install text file that comes with the 
> archive, I cannot get it to install.

I haven't come across "axfr" before, and a quick google came up with lots of
DNS related stuff (if that's the same thing?) but I couldn't actually see a
piece of software with that name... could you point us to where we can get
hold of the source that you're talking about?

> The first step is to make sure the extraction goes into the correct 
> folder
> eg: /use/local/bin which it does. Then I checked the access/execute 
> permissions and made sure they are 'full rights' with chmod.  But 
> running ./config keeps showing missing aclocal, autoheader, autoconfig 
> etc.  I have the log file I can attach if someone is able to assist.

When you say that the "first step is to make sure the extraction goes to the
correct folder eg: /usr/local/bin", are you talking about extraction of
source files? or of binaries? Usually the procedure is to extract the source
files into a directory somewhere in your home directory or /tmp and then
once the executables are built they get put in the final destination eg.

I'm guessing that the source archive you have for this software follows the
fairly typical "configure - make - make install"
procedure of building/installation... if so, then here's what should
basically be going on:

- First unpack the source somewhere convinient, like in your home
   directory (of a regular non-root user). If the archive has been
   created properly it will usually create a directory for itself
   and put all the source files in there.

- Now go into that directory and (with your regular non-root user)
   run ./configure
   That should check your system to make sure that you have all the
   right tools and libraries to build the software and produce some
   configuration information about your machine that the compiler
   etc can make use of.

- Next, again with your regular user you run "make" which should
   build everything.

- Finally, switch to root and in the same directory run
   "make install" which should move all the binaries that have been
   built to their correct locations.

Now, the configure step above requires the use of some tools that it seems
are not currently installed on your system. You should be able to fetch the
tools you need by doing the following as root: "apt-get install autoconf

Try re-running ./configure after installing those packages and see if it
gets you any further.


Matt N. Marsh
Email: matt at mattmarsh.net         GoogleTalk: marshmn at gmail.com
   Web: http://www.mattmarsh.net/       Yahoo: marshmn
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                                          ICQ: 250467363
                                          AIM: MattMarshUK

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