[Watford] XGL Gentoo etc

Neel Upadhyaya bahulneel at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 14:47:02 BST 2006

Hi Guys,

A while ago I mentioned that I was going to try out XGL and let you
know how that all went.  Well, to be honest, it didn't; time got the
better of me and I soon found myself in compiler hell on an old petium
3 and gave up.  Then following a thread on slashdot today I found

It's kind of like a gentoo shortcut, it bypasses the initial compile
stage for gentoo (Pentium 3 and above based, basically anything with
sse support).  It's a neat way to get started with gentoo so you can
get running right away and then you can always rebuild world with your
favorite make.conf while your not around (e.g. duing the working day
an open ssh port on your firewall and gnu screen and you can monitor
from work).

More importantly they've released an XGL live cd (with install option)
so I'll be giving that a go this evening (expect some natty screen

The eye candy cometh.


PS. I mentioned GNU screen in that, if you don't already know about
it, it's the single most useful tool I've discovered in the last year,
it's been around forever and I can't imagine my life without it now.

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