[Watford] [ANNOUNCE] GLLUG Meeting tomorrow. Installfest, Virtualisation, Backup and Disaster Recovery.

Simon Morris sm at fsfe.org
Fri Nov 10 21:29:12 GMT 2006


A reminder that we have a GLLUG meeting tomorrow (Saturday 11th
November) starting at 1330.

This meeting is being put on by GLLUG and the Department of Electronics,
Communication and Software Engineering, University of Westminster.

A map to the New Cavendish Street campus venue:

1330: Installfest.

Please come along for a Installfest where machines with DVD burners will
be available and lab machines provided by the University for Linux
installations. Bring along your computer if you've been struggling alone
with install problems or hardware issues and members of the LUG will be
happy to offer advice and help.

This is supposed to be a fun, social area where you can chat with fellow
GNU/Linux users, administrators and developers and hang out before the
technical meeting starts later in the afternoon.

In the same room other members of the LUG will be putting on a
"Introduction to Linux" day for students in London. They will be

* Linux Multimedia Applications
* Linux Productivity Applications
* The Linux desktop

and handing out leaflets, CDs and giving general information about

We will also be raffling 2 books generously donated by Apress.com.
Tickets are £1 each and proceeds go to Help a London Child, a local

1530: Virtualisation and Xen. Roger Whittaker

Roger works for Novell technical services and will be presenting a talk
on virtualisation and Xen. He will be demonstrating the tools included
with SUSE Linux to manage virtual machines

1630: Backing up Linux using tar, gzip and scp. Tushar Joshi

Tushar runs the London Linux User Group and is responsible for most of
the geek morning after hangovers in London.

How to effectively backup your data and use the 
free tools available under linux/unix to backup data from single files
to entire disks. 

This talk covers backup remotely and/or locally,
high availability as well as what to do when a disaster strikes. 
The talk will be at a level those new to linux will understand 
as well as having some advanced topics for linux experts. 

1730ish: Drinks at the Green Man Pub opposite Great Portland Street
Station. We may be downstairs in the pub occupying our normal position
and trying not to scare the locals so please look for us there if we are
not visible.

For more information please check our website at http://gllug.org.uk/



Simon Morris
Jabber: sm at jabber.fsfe.org
Blog: http://beerandspeech.org
Free Software Foundation Europe: http://fsfe.org/en/fellows/sm

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