[Westwales] A couple of questions (part Deux)

Dan Field westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Feb 7 10:14:01 2003

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 20:42, Jon Pearse wrote:
> John Bailey said:
> > 'ifconfig eth0' (I'm assuming it's eth0, anyway) will give you the
> > current config - check that it's up, has a valid IP, etc.  'dmesg |
> > grep eth' might show up any errors that were found setting up the
> > device at boot time.
>   Just tried this, bash tells me that 'ifconfig' (along with
> 'ipconfig', as suggested by a friend) isn't a bash command. Hrm :)

I'm sure it's there, just possibly not in your $PATH

try as root or explicitly call it e.g.: /sbin/ifconfig

not seen ipconfig before except on windows boxes.

>   One other thing - how does one add bits to $PATH. I should know it,
> but my mind went blank when I was trying to do so.
>   Thanks

If you use bash as your shell, and I expect you probably do unless you
have specific reasons to use something else then add the following to
your ~/.bash_profile :


where the /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/bin/ is what you want to add. add as
many as you like seperated by a colon.
