[Westwales] A couple of questions (part Deux)

Jon Pearse westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Feb 6 20:43:01 2003

John Bailey said:
> 'ifconfig eth0' (I'm assuming it's eth0, anyway) will give you the
> current config - check that it's up, has a valid IP, etc.  'dmesg |
> grep eth' might show up any errors that were found setting up the
> device at boot time.

  Just tried this, bash tells me that 'ifconfig' (along with
'ipconfig', as suggested by a friend) isn't a bash command. Hrm :)

> - If apache listening on the network ok?
> 'netstat -alp | grep www' or 'netstat -alp | grep http' depending on
> how your services are set up - if it's listening you should see a
> line like:
> tcp        0      0 *:http                  *:*

  Yeah, I get that.

  Comment to make which I should have made in the original email. I
can quite happily ping other machines on the network (two,
currently) from the G3. I can quite happily ping the G3 from the G3.
I've not tried pinging the G3 from other machines due to not having
any software to do so with. It's just trying to connect over
anything to the G3 that doesn't work.

  One other thing - how does one add bits to $PATH. I should know it,
but my mind went blank when I was trying to do so.


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       jon@jonpearse.net - jnp2@aber.ac.uk

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