[Westwales] Triple boot?

John Richards westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Feb 20 14:28:01 2003

As a new member, may I introduce myself and ask for adice on a (I hope!)
fairly simple matter.

My name is John and I am a retired clergyman (sorry!) - into computing for
over 20 years, but a relative beginner with Linux in spite of short forrays
into RedHat (v 2, I think it was), Corel and Mandrake.

My problem has been that I am a linguist and have regular need of special
fonts, R2L input etc., which hitherto I have only been able to fulfil
satisfactorily in Unicode and XP.

I have now found that OpenOffice deals remarkably well with Opentype
fonts and R2L input, so want to try again. However, at least for the time
being I do not want to abandon Windows altogether.  At present I have a
dual-boot setup, Windows98/XP and would like to add Linux, either by a
triple boot system or perhaps, for the time being, booting LILO from a
floppy. The installations I have looked at always seem to want to place LILO
in the boot sector, making my Windows dual boot a SECOND stage of the
choice. I would prefer to avoid this, as my wife also uses the machine
occasionally, and would find this off-putting. I have two large hard drives
in the machine already partitioned into 4 large logical drives, so there is
no problem there. The fourth is effectively spare - just used for quick Take
Two backups at present.

I would welcome advice both on how I could do this and on the best
implementation for this purpose.

Finally, I notice there has been some suggestion of a group meeting in West
Wales, perhaps Carmarthen. I would be interested in this if it goes ahead.

With best wishes to all
