[Westwales] Linux in schools

westwales@mailman.lug.org.uk westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 23 18:18:39 2003

mark Illsley wrote :
> Hi all not had chance to get online been working late.
> im glad to see that you all have been talking about
> my little project.  im working on the website at the moment.  i must say it
> is coming together well so far i have got a number of tutorials and other
> peaces of text that i have gathered from accross the globe. if anyone has
> any ideas then please let me know as i am looking for guidence of what to
> put on there.
> i think that  i may be a while before its online but watch this space.
> another thing is a name and logo, if any one can come up eather or both of
> these then please email me with them and i will see that i can do.

Have you noticed :

(About http://linuxineducation.org)

> on a final note about LUG meetings, i would love to start coming to more LUG
> meeting my only problem is transport.  if anyone can offer me a lift at any
> time then please do.  i am willing to pay towards petrol, diesal or even
> veggi oil.

I can't help with the lift bit, unless you can somehow tie my dog up to
a cart, but I do think it's about time we had a semi-official meeting...

Date/Time/Location ?


David Goodwin 

[ dof at codepoets dot co dot uk   ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]