[Westwales] Linux in schools
mark Illsley
westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Feb 21 23:03:02 2003
Hi all not had chance to get online been working late.
im glad to see that you all have been talking about
my little project. im working on the website at the moment. i must say it
is coming together well so far i have got a number of tutorials and other
peaces of text that i have gathered from accross the globe. if anyone has
any ideas then please let me know as i am looking for guidence of what to
put on there.
i think that i may be a while before its online but watch this space.
another thing is a name and logo, if any one can come up eather or both of
these then please email me with them and i will see that i can do.
on a final note about LUG meetings, i would love to start coming to more LUG
meeting my only problem is transport. if anyone can offer me a lift at any
time then please do. i am willing to pay towards petrol, diesal or even
veggi oil.
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