[Westwales] Re: Westwales digest, Vol 1 #31 - 2 msgs

Dan Field westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jan 29 11:49:03 2003

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 01:41:06PM -0000, James Stuttard wrote:
> i cant help it, am currently chained to windows XP and the horrers that is
> OE!  i'm slowly migrating back accross, any one have any experiance of linux
> on sparc hardware?

yup quite a few of us infact. RedHat, Debian and NetBSD in my exp.
Should have a fair ammount of knowledge regarding PROM and hardware odditites too.

PS anyone have a SBUS quad ethernet card they don't want ? will pay or swap for somthing.
