[Westwales] WWLUG IRC Channel

Matt Moore nx060 at lamp.ac.uk
Fri Apr 16 13:58:42 BST 2004


>There are some IRC clients (XChat for one) that can be configured to work
>through proxy servers. Another option is, does Lampeter have a centralised
>server (akin to Aberystwyth University's "Central" server) that you could
>connect to and get an IRC session out? Perhaps asking one of the people in
>your IS department to help you out?

I'm not sure they are too keen on us using IRC anyways and I know the guys 
who run it all quite well.  They are rather busy, I'd rather not hassle 
them.  The simplest way for me to connect is to find a server open on that 
port rather than fiddling around with connecting to other servers 
etc.  Also I use windows on the box that connects to the web, so it is mIRC 
or nothing...

>Another option may also be to ssh out to an external machine (if you're
>able to ssh out) if you have one available then going on IRC from there.

No external machine to connect to.  No idea of whether or not there is a 
SSH cli for ms xp.

I'll just trawl thru the list of servers and see if I get lucky.  If not 
I'll email the freenode admins.



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