[Westwales] no-ip, no-clue

Huw Evans huw at abersoundproductions.ltd.uk
Fri Aug 27 21:11:36 BST 2004

I'll try that at the earliest opportunity!
Thanks very much.

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 16:00, Dan Ros wrote:
> > It installed painlessly and registered my current IP address.  I then
> > reset the router to force a change of IP, and rebooted the server to
> > check if it did what it said on the tin, and it doesn't :-(
> I don't know about no-ip, but in the past when I haven't had a static ip
> address to use, I used dyndns (www.dyndns,org) - I found it to be
> excellent and very easy to set up. It's a voluntary organisation and it's
> protocols are completely open which means that there are a few different
> clients to try if one isn't working for you.
> dan at zinc:~$ apt-cache search dyndns
> ddclient - Update dynamic IP address at DynDNS.org
> ddns3-client - Issues dynamic DNS v3 requests
> ez-ipupdate - client for most dynamic DNS services
> ipcheck - Dyndns.org client to register your dynamic IP address
> ddclient worked nicely for me, I think.
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Cynhyrchiadau Sain Aber Cyf / Aber Sound Productions Ltd
Ystwyth Works, Llanfarian, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4NN.


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