[Westwales] My Dilemma

Dan Field dof at llgc.org.uk
Mon Mar 1 15:33:13 GMT 2004

Dan Ros wrote:

>>I've been using Debian for a while now (few years) and I've always found
>>it to be great for servers. However I'm having a bit of a downer at the
>>moment. Let me explain the way my litle brain thinks:
>Hey Dan,
>If you're considering redhat then you have nothing to lose by going to
>Debian testing or unstable, as redhat uses package versions which would
>probably be considered "unstable" by debian. I think debian has a much
>greater standard of what is considered stable than redhat.
>I always use unstable or testing and I have not noticed any real problems.
>Not more than you would get in the normal course of using redhat or
>compiling from source, in any case.
Well I just had a chat with some of the other techs and it looks like we 
are moving to RedHat AS 3.0. which is fine by me. The advantage over 
debian being up to date packages in released stable versions of the 
Distribution, and of course, commercial support contracts.

To be honest. It doesn't bother me one bit. Thanks for the ideas guys. 
In the meantime, until our new Opterons arrive, I've decided to run the 
mysql DB from my workstation (unstable).

Dan Field <dof at llgc.org.uk> - Support Programmer: Cymru ar y we 
cy_GB: http://www.cymruarywe.org
en_GB: http://www.walesontheweb.org

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