[Westwales] Data Base Files

Robert Savage bobsavage at uklinux.net
Sat Oct 2 12:27:08 BST 2004

Hi Chaps,

Can one of you very knowledgeable guys tell me if it's possible to import a 
text (.txt) file into something and turn it into a data base file (.db 
or .dbf)?  It's a list of component part numbers followed by a description, 
in other words two columns basically and I want to be able to search the file 
by part number or description.   It's a big list so retyping it into a 
database program would be hard work unless I can find a natty little typist 
who is prepared to work for next to nothing (that was FOR not IN)  :-)

I've tried MS Works but there is no way of importing .txt files,  neither 
could I get anywhere in Open Office.  It may be something that is very simple 
to do but I have little experience of database programs.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Bob Savage.

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