[Westwales] Mandrake eats partition info for breakfast [was Re: MDK 10.0 Shutdown]

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Sun Sep 5 20:03:21 BST 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 09:04, Robert Savage wrote:

> The version I'm using Colin is the one distributed with Linux Format Magazine, 
> it describes itself as the 'Download Edition',  I passed it to a colleague 
> and it upset his disk geometry

Yup, naughty Mandrake :-(

I had to test out that release, and it was only later
that I found when I tried to install more distros that
no other OS's version of fdisk was happy with what
Mdk had left :-(

As it was a test machine a re-format and new Debian
install was a more-than-adequate solution :-)

>  causing him to lose a load of stuff,

This may help:

 - Richard
(Catching up on e-mail after network repairs entirely unrelated
to Mandrake ;^)

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