[Westwales] New Term, more meetings...

Bryn Salisbury bryn.salisbury at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 20:27:27 BST 2005

*dusts down the cobwebs*

Hello All,

Alright, I'll admit it, the LUG is pretty much dead at the moment. It's
my fault, I've not been organising things and the meetings we were
having were just "Let's all pile in the pub and drink" type events. I'll
admit that such things have their merit, It wasn't the best thing to
have for a regular LUG meet.

So, we'll be kicking off the LUG again near the end of October with a
new meeting format. We'll be experimenting with Lighting talks at a new
venue, meaning we'll have something a bit different to perhaps encourage
some new members to come along.

In any case, since I know a fair few of you are returning to Aberystwyth
soon, I thought we could get together for a few drinks. To that end, I
propose we meet at Scholars on the 24th (Saturday) at 20:00 (8pm). We'll
probably be lurking upstairs so just keep an eye out for a little tux on
the table if you've never been before.

Coming soon by the way is a brand new website! I know you can't wait to
see it...

Bye for now,


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