[Westwales] New Term, more meetings...

John Beisley greatred at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 21:03:23 BST 2005

Ah! So this LUG is still there then! I was wondering if Gmail had been
filtering the mailing list, as I never got anything from it :)

See you all soon in aber, then!

- John

On 21/09/05, Bryn Salisbury <bryn.salisbury at gmail.com> wrote:
> *dusts down the cobwebs*
> Hello All,
> Alright, I'll admit it, the LUG is pretty much dead at the moment. It's
> my fault, I've not been organising things and the meetings we were
> having were just "Let's all pile in the pub and drink" type events. I'll
> admit that such things have their merit, It wasn't the best thing to
> have for a regular LUG meet.
> So, we'll be kicking off the LUG again near the end of October with a
> new meeting format. We'll be experimenting with Lighting talks at a new
> venue, meaning we'll have something a bit different to perhaps encourage
> some new members to come along.
> In any case, since I know a fair few of you are returning to Aberystwyth
> soon, I thought we could get together for a few drinks. To that end, I
> propose we meet at Scholars on the 24th (Saturday) at 20:00 (8pm). We'll
> probably be lurking upstairs so just keep an eye out for a little tux on
> the table if you've never been before.
> Coming soon by the way is a brand new website! I know you can't wait to
> see it...
> Bye for now,
> B
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MSN: greatred at gmail.com
Skype: greatred1980
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AIM: greatred1980
"Look to windward"

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