[Westwales] Linux with XP

Pax pax at surfanytime.net
Tue Apr 25 20:59:20 BST 2006

Many thanks to all who have contributed. In the end I have two machines with
linux ext2 partitions, waiting and hoping to have linux installed on them 
tomorrow. The students will do that, with me nervously hovering. In the
end the Qparted off the Linex CD worked beautifully. Neatly it even refused to
play with the worst infected machine on the grounds that it hadn't been shut
down properly, this machine being so badly virused that the only way to
shut it down was to crash it. In the end I managed to persuade it to shut
down like a good little box, and then chopped its partitions up, cruuuuel!
So, if all goes well, we'll install linux on the requisite number of boxes,
stick lilo on the partition, boot from disk, and the IT students have their
own private machines that no other bugger can get at,

Thanks again guys


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