[Westwales] Dialup

Jon Atkinson jatkinson at gmail.com
Tue May 23 10:28:51 BST 2006

> apt-get in Ubuntu is in my experience just as bad (actually worse) for this. I
> broke my Ubuntu 5.10 installation by installing stuff via other routes, which
> was not available via apt-get, within a week, and ditched it for Fedora Core
> 4.

That's a common problem if you mix repositories - it can happen with
any package distribution system, so it's not really the fault of
either Ubuntu or apt. If you're installing from source, as long as you
prefix everything with /usr/local, you can keep things fairly sane. It
also might be worth considering CheckInstall
(http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/), which can help with a
lot of the headaches of installing software from other sources.

> I've had no such problems with yum yet.

Have they fixed the bug (feature?) with yum which caused it to
re-download the package listings each time you performed an operation?
Yum is a very cool piece of software, but I think the 5 minute delay
each time I needed to remove a package let it down a little.

> Adrian


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